
via del Teatro Nuovo 10
01100 Viterbo (VT)
+39 329 5383354;
+39 32838706794,
+39 761 226851

Personal Diaries


16th of September

Today it was a really busy day. We did a lot of things! It was nice to play the name games, even though I’m not good at it, I never could win.

I was happy during  the expectations part when everyone talked a bit about himself and his expectations: I could express my thoughts and I realized that my English is better than I thought.

In the afternoon, when we were split in groups to present in a original way our research on the environment, I wasn’t able to say how I really wanted things to be done, because I’m a bit shy and in my group there were people with a lots of good ideas and I thought my weren’t so good. The final result was nice.


17th of September

Today we did again a lot of thinks. The exploring of the space during the day, and the exploring of the body in the afternoon. I realized that I don’t feel completely confident in following my instinct, but I could do that in a couple of occasion, and when it happened, it was funny.

It’s also really funny to see other people work, how they move and how they invent movements


18th of September

Today I was a bit tired: we have done so many things in only 3 days! Again, when we were split in groups during the morning to built up pictures of famous fairy tales, I didn’t talk much. Than, everyone has shown their work, and after I saw other groups, and the amusement that day had in showing what they built, I wanted to enjoy too so, when it was our turn, I tried to be focus on what we were doing, and not in the fact that people were watching me, but I wasn’t too confident. I also realized that I prefer to do workshops outside than inside. In the afternoon, when we had to invent a fairy tale in group, I was with different people again, and I expressed a couple of time my thoughts, because I felt more confident. Also I want to have a small part in the story. When we had to show our bit in front of the others, I wasn’t confident at all, I feel exposed and embarrassed. I know it’s silly because everyone is doing it, but I’d rather have a really small part.


19th of October

We went to Rome, but it was rainy, so we didn’t do much a part from going to see the city center under the rain.  Rome is beautiful but I prefer a dry Viterbo than a wet Rome.


20th of October

I had a lot of problems with the grammelot exercise: I enjoyed to watch the others, I think they are much better than me in let themselves go. I went at the end, and I couldn’t do really the exercise, I felt too silly.

21st of October

We started to build up all the story in a no verbal way. I really would like to be more relaxed when I’m in front of an audience, but it’s really difficult for me. Also I have a part in grammelot, and even though I choose that part, I would like not to do, but the others want me to do it, they really like it,  so I’ll go ahead with it hoping that it won’t last too long. Plus the place in which we’ll perform is beautiful and not too wide, so it’s less scary than I thought.


22nd of October

Rehearsals, rehearsals and than the play! I think I did really good! I kept focus on the things I had to do on the stage and… I enjoyed! I did enjoyed! I thought I would never be able to do it, and instead… I did it! Tomorrow it’s show time again… let’s hope for the best


23rd of October

Today, before playing again, I was a bit nervous, but when we went on, it was easier than yesterday. I’m a bit sorry to leave tomorrow, but I’m happy of what I learned. 





16th of September

My English is really bad so during the morning when everyone was talking about himself, even though a friend of mine was translating for me, it was really hard to understand everything and be focused on the argument.

In the afternoon it was better because we were in small groups, so I could (also thanks a friend of mine) understand everything, and when we showed our research in a non verbal way I felt completely confident and safe

17th of September

I really enjoyed to work so much with the body. It’s important for me to do so also because of my bad English: I can express myself as the others, I feel free to use my imagination in a not common way and my ideas can be seen clearly. If I had to explain them probably I wouldn’t be able, and, in any case, I had to ask someone to translate them for me.

18th of September

I feel completely confident any time we show the tasks that we have to do, because are always in a no verbal way (except when we had to tell the story we invented, but I knew the story because we did it together, and the other guys of my group reported it, so I could relax), but I’m angry with myself because I don’t speak English! I feel often frustrated because I can’t really participate to the discussions

19th of September

Today we went to Rome but it was rainy. I enjoyed to be with all the group but we couldn’t do much

20th of September

I think Grammelot it’s a bit crazy, but I had such a good time today in watching all of us doing it! I really like this group. There are people really different from each other, but everyone is so particular and has so interesting ideas or funny ways to do the exercises we have to do, that I know already I’ll really miss them when they’ll leave.

21st of September

Finally we started rehearsing for the show! I was a worried we wouldn’t be able to finish everything on time (and I still am a bit since we haven’t finished yet), but now I start seeing the point of all the exercises we have done till now: now we are ready to work together and we have many tools to use. Even my English is going better, I mean, it’s still really bad, but when I’m in front of all the group, if I have something to say, I try to say it. I think no one can really understand me, I can see it by their faces, but I feel enough confident to try it, and I think this is a step forward.

22nd of September

Today it was a great day!!! We did it! We finished our story, we presented it in front of an audience, and we did it well! Everyone was so happy, I was so happy,  that any other ford is needless.

23rd of September

Today we were on again with the story we created. It was nice to do it twice in two different places, even though it was really intense. But today I’m sad because everything is finished and everyone will go back to their own houses. I wish the Greek guys stay here longer, because even though (as I told many times) my English is bad, somehow we understood each other and we created a link, so I wish they’ll miss the plain tomorrow.





16th of September

Today it was a really busy day. We did so many different thinks that it feels like more than one day. But the part I enjoyed the most it was the presentation of our research in a creative way: my imagination started flying and the others fallowed me and added things and at the end we had e really articulated story and it was funny to present the work we did to the others. I also was surprised  by the presentations of the other groups: I think everyone today put a lot of energy in the work, and it’s only day one.

17th of September

To work with the body it’s really healthy and it make me feel good. It is interesting to see how a body in the space can change the energy of that space itself. In particular I found really interesting the silent walk today: we where in a line following the leader of this line that made us cross the city center in peculiar ways. Not only the town looked different to me, but also the people that were watching us, were nicely surprised, and a girl that was passing by, even did a couple of jumps with us. I think we fascinated the town trhugh our silent walk. The only difficulty for me in using the body is that I’m thinking too much. I’d like to be more instinctive, but it’s no easy

18th of September

Today I found easier the physical workshop on the fairytales than the part in which we had to invent a story. We were split in groups, and when we had to transform the story we created in a story on the environment, we couldn’t really find a way to do it, and we got a bit frustrated. We couldn’t finish properly our task today. We talked about our problem in the big group, and we got some good feedbacks and some suggestions on how to see the same story from different points of view. We have to think through all those thinks and through our ideas, and I’m sure we’ll find the way to solve our problem even though we don’t have to much time.

19th of September

Today unfortunately it was rainy, so we couldn’t do to many things in Rome.

20th of September

I love grammelot! It’s really funny. The only thing that keep bothering me, is that anytime I have to show something to the other, I feel really conscious of myself. I can’t really focusing in what I’m performing and I’m more showing what I’m doing instead of doing them.

21st  of September

Today in our group we had so many problems! We still have to decide the end of our story and tomorrow we’ll be on. The problem is that in this group we are five but there are two that want impose their ideas and they cannot compromise in anything at all. The morning it was terrible, but in the afternoon one of the leaders followed closer our work, and we started finding a common language and a way to overcome our egos. 

22nd of September

I think tonight performance it was really good! This morning we managed to finish our story, and we were so running out of time that everyone was so focused and motivated! I think today it was magic: at the end we were happy and we forgot the difficulties we faced yesterday, and, during the performance everyone was really into the story, and me too, I felt I was there. I think the stress to present what we did in such a small amount of time in front of an audience, it forced us to cut out  all the useless thoughts, and we where there completely, because we wanted to give our best. I hope we’ll be able to do the same tomorrow.

23rd of September

The today performance was really different from yesterday’s. I think it was good today as well, but everyone was more relaxed and more sure of himself (even though still exited).  I really enjoyed this project, with all the difficulties I founded, and now that is coming to an end, I can see only the fact that we overcome our problems, that we did it.






The first day when I met the team for the first time I felt very comfortable with all of them.
I would like to say that I found very smart the first game with the names of us !!
The second day was full of energy and I think that was a good idea to be all together a better team and to know better each other too...!
The 3rd Day start the games which related to creating a story from scratch with only one shot that was given to us by the organizer .... quite creative and hard to find a common line ... but finally succeeded! since they became the proposals from the two groups were created along with Elizabeth and Alessandra Chrysanthi reached three different stories and started building up the body to every story ...
Before all these we learn about Grammelot ....!!!
It was very useful for our stories because we could not use verbal communication !
We had a trip in Rome too, but was very short !! : (
We had no more time to rehearse but the performance was in a good level for the time that we had to do this !!
There is a steaming group for each day !!
The presentation !
I liked very much the place that we presented our stories ,both of them !!
At the end was a very good experience for me ..If i have the opportunity i will do it again!!
I love you E.U.R.E.C.A. , Belleville ..and..Viterbo ..!