
via del Teatro Nuovo 10
01100 Viterbo (VT)
+39 329 5383354;
+39 32838706794,
+39 761 226851

About Us

To create a fairytale to stress the importance of respecting the environment, that's what a group 0f 16 participants (coming from Italy and Greek) created in viterbo from the 16th to the 23rd of September 2012. During this perio participants invented a non verbal fairytale using all the other means that people have to express their selves, they explored the possibilities and the power of the body, of sound, of composition, the strength of objects and the poetry of the surrounding.

Participants discussed on how they  perceive the environment and on the problems that our society is facing on this matter, and which solution can be possible to solve those problems. After that, and after different kind of workshops (on how to create a fairy tale, challenging creativity, overcoming the fear of expressing ourselves, the importance of making errors, the consciousness of the body and the environment) the group created a fairy tale set in Viterbo city center, that they to showed to Viterbo citizen and to which ever wanted to dream with them.


History of project

In this part you can describe the project's history and give reasons for its creation. It is convinient to mention project milestones and honor participating people.